Why Use Rubber Deflector Strips & Cutting Edges?

Why Use Rubber Deflector Strips & Cutting Edges?

Over the years, snow spills are parts of incessant worries of many. Manufactures have come with numerous products to help remove snow, but one product remains to be essential, fabricated rubber deflector strips with cutting edges.

What is a rubber deflector strip?

These deflector strips are made to protect the performance of the blades of a snowplow. As such, The Rubber Associates produces these strips using durable and high-quality rubber that can withstand heavy snow.

Vehicles with rubber deflector strips have the capacity to have a clearer windshield and little to no snow debris. With these strips onto their blades, it lessens the chance of snow-related accidents and incidents alike.

What about the cutting edges?

Cutting edges on a snowplow blade is a major vehicular improvement fit for the harsh winter. With the cutting-edge technology, the blade is more likely to reduce the snow residue with ease.

If you want effective rubber deflector strips and cutting edges to improve snowplow blades, The Rubber Associates has you covered. We offer rubber cutting edges in three sizes including 8-inch width, 10-inch width and 12-inch width.

With high standards for production, the company also values producing high-quality materials and specializes in customization of such rubber deflector strips to meet the customer’s needs.

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